Medical Science

Medical Science: Introduction

Faculty Affiliation


Degree Programs

Biomedical Communications


  • Fields:
    • Biomedical Media Design;
    • Biomedical Visualization Design

Medical Science

MSc and PhD

  • Fields:
    • Bioethics;
    • Biomedical Science;
    • Clinical Science;
    • Health Professions Education;
    • Population Health/Health Services;
    • Radiation Oncology

Combined Degree Programs

MD / PhD

Collaborative Specializations

The following collaborative specializations are available to students in participating degree programs as listed below:

Diploma Programs

Graduate Diploma in Health Research



With over 600 faculty and 550 students, the Institute of Medical Science (IMS) was established to foster education and scholarship in the Clinical Departments of the Faculty of Medicine. IMS specializes in translational research with a strong emphasis on bench-to-bedside clinical applications. Degree candidates have the opportunity to conduct research in one of four training areas: bio-medical science; clinical science; health systems and services; and population health. Graduates have been appointed to positions as academics and health-care professionals in universities, government, and industry.

Contact and Address

Medical Science Program

Telephone: (416) 946-8286
Fax: (416) 971-2253

Institute of Medical Science
University of Toronto
Medical Sciences Building
Room 2374, 1 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8

Biomedical Communications Program

Telephone: (905) 569-4849

Master of Science in Biomedical Communications
University of Toronto Mississauga
HSC 308, 3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6

Graduate Diploma in Health Research

Telephone: (416) 946-7866

Graduate Diploma in Health Research
University of Toronto
Medical Sciences Building
Room 2256, 1 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8

Medical Science: Graduate Faculty

Full Members

Advani, Andrew - MBCHB, PhD
Agarwal, Sri Mahavir - MD, PhD
Agur, Anne - BSc, MSc, PhD
Alibhai, Shabbir - MD
Allard, Johane - MD
Anagnostou, Evdokia - MD
Astell, Arlene - BSc, PhD
Bagby, Michael - BA, MA, PhD, PhD
Bagli, Darius - BS, MD
Baker, Andrew - MHSc, MD
Baker, Andrew J. - MD, MD
Barr, Cathy - BSc, PhD
Barron, David - MD
Barua, Moumita - DrMed
Bassett, Anne - BSc, MD
Batt, Jane - MD, PhD
Battaglia, Marco - BA, DrMed
Bayoumi, Ahmed - MSc, MD
Bell, Chaim - MD
Bendayan, Reina - DP
Billia, Filio - BSc, MSc, MD, PhD
Black, Sandra - BSc, MD
Blumberger, Daniel - BA, BA, MSc
Boggild, Andrea - BSc, MSc, MD
Bogoch, Earl - BA, MSc, MD
Boileau, Isabelle - PhD
Booth, Gillian - MD
Branch, Donald - BA, BSc, PhD
Brochard, Laurent - MD
Brown, Theodore - BSc, PhD
Brumell, John - BSc, PhD
Brydges, Ryan - BSc, MSc, PhD
Caniggia, Isabella - MD, PhD (Graduate Coordinator)
Castle, David - MSc, MBCHB, MD
Chandran, Vinod - MBBS, PhD
Chauhan, Vijay - MD
Cheema, Asim - MBBS
Chen, Jean - PhD
Chen, Robert - MB
Cherney, David - MD, PhD
Chertkow, Howard - MD
Cheung, Angela - BA, MD, PhD
Chow, Chung-Wai - MD, PhD
Chung, Frances - MBBS
Coburn, Bryan - BSc, DrMed
Cohen, Eyal - MSc, MD
Coles, John Gordon - MD
Connelly, Kim - MBBS, PhD
Croitoru, Ken - MDCM
Cusimano, Michael - MHPE, MD, PhD
Cypel, Marcelo - DrMed
Das, Sunit - DrMed
Davis, Karen - BSc, MSc, PhD
Dawson, Laura - MD
De Luca, Vincenzo - MD, PhD
de Veber, Gabrielle - MD
Diaconescu, Andreea - PhD
Dimitrijevic, Andrew - BSc, MSc, PhD
Dlamini, Nomazulu - MBBS
dos Santos, Claudia - MSc, MD
Dror, Yigal - MD
Drucker, Daniel - MD
Eder, Lihi - DrMed
Esplen, Mary Jane - BScN, MSN, PhD, PhD, RN
Eubanks, James - BSc, AA, PhD
Faiz, Maryam - PhD
Fan, Eddy - BSc, MD, PhD
Fehlings, Michael - LMCC, MD, PhD
Feinstein, Anthony - MBCHB, PhD
Feld, Jordan - MPH, MD
Feldman, Brian - MD
Feusner, Jamie - BS, MD
Fish, Jason - BSc, PhD
Fish, Joel Steven - BSc, MSc, MD
Flint, Alastair - ChB
Floras, John - MD, DPhil
Forrest, Christopher Robert - BSc, MSc, MD
Foussias, George - BSc, MSc, DrMed, PhD
Fremes, Stephen - BA, MSc, MD
Furlan, Andrea - MD, PhD
Gagliardi, Anna - BSc, BE, MSc, MLS, PhD
Gaisano, Herbert - BS, MD
Gallinger, Steven - MSc, MD
Gehring, Adam - BA, PhD
George, Tony - BSc, MD
Gerretsen, Philip - MSW, MD, PhD
Gershon, Andrea - MSc, MD
Ginsburg, Shiphra - MEd, MD
Gladdy, Rebecca - DrMed, PhD
Gladman, Dafna - MD
Gordon, Karen - DPhil
Graff-Guerrero, Ariel - MD
Grantcharov, Teodor - DrMed, PhD
Granton, John - BS, MD
Grinstein, Sergio - BSc, PhD
Grunebaum, Eyal - MD
Guerguerian, Anne Marie - MD
Gupta, Neeru - BM
Hahn, Margaret - DrMed, PhD
Haider, Masoom - BM, MD
Hamani, Clement - DrMed, PhD
Hamilton, Jill - BSc, MSc, MD
Hamilton, Robert - BSc, MD, PhD
Haroon, Nigil - MBBS, MD, PhD
Harrison, Robert - PhD, DSc
Haykal, Siba - BS, MD, PhD
Heon, Elise - LMCC, MD
Herrmann, Nathan - MD
Hill, Sean - BA, PhD
Hodaie, Mojgan - BSc, MSc, MD
Hodges, Brian - BA, MEd, MD
Horner, Richard - BSc, PhD
Howard, Andrew William - BA, CPSO, MSc, LMCC, MD
Howe, Kathryn - BSc, MD, PhD
Humar, Atul - MSc, MD
Husain, Mansoor - MB, MD
Ibrahim, George - BS, MD, PhD
Inman, Robert - BA, MD
Irwin, Meredith - MD
Janssen, Harry - MD, PhD
Jarvi, Keith - MD
Jenkinson, Jodie - BA, MSc, PhD
Jeschke, Marc - DrMed, PhD
Jewett, Michael - LMCC, MD
Jin, Yaping - PhD
Jones, Jennifer - BA, PhD
Jones, Nicola - MD
Juvet, Stephen - DrMed, PhD
Kaplan, Allan - AA, BA, MSc, MD
Kapus, Andras - MD, PhD
Katz, Joel - MA, PhD
Kaul, Rupert - MD, PhD
Keating, Armand - BSc, MD
Kennedy, James - MD
Keshavjee, Shaf - BA, MSc, LMCC, MD
Khalvati, Farzad - MASc, PhD
Kiang, Michael - MD, PhD
Kingdom, John - DipCH, MB, MD
Kish, Stephen John - BSc, MSc, PhD
Kolla, Nathan - BA, MA, MD, PhD
Konvalinka, Ana - DrMed
Krzyzanowska, Monika - MPH, MD
Kucharczyk, Walter - MD
Kumar, Deepali - MSc, MD
Kwong, Jeff - BSc, MSc, MD
Lai, Meng-Chuan - MD, PhD
Lam, Tony - BS, DPhil
Le Foll, Bernard - MSc, DrMed, PhD
Lee, Douglas - DrMed, PhD
Lee, Jacques - MSc, MD
Lee, Warren - MD, PhD
Lemaire, Mathieu - MD, PhD
Leong-Poi, Howard - MD
Levinson, Wendy - BSc, MD
Levitan, Robert - MSc, MDCM
Li, Madeline - MD
Li, Ren-Ke - MHSc, MSc, MD, PhD
Licht, Christoph - MD
Lim, Andrew - BSc, MD
Lin, Fa-Hsuan - PhD
Lin, Steve - MSc, MD
Lindsay, Thomas - BSc, MSc, MDCM
Lipsman, Nir - BS, MD, PhD
Liu, Fang - PhD
Liu, Fei-Fei - MD
Liu, Geoffrey - BSc, MSc, MD
Liu, Mingyao - MSc, MD (Director)
Lok, Benjamin - BSc, MD
Lozano, Andres - BSc, LMCC, MD, BScMed, PhD
Lye, Stephen - BSc, PhD
Mahmud, Farid - MD
Mak, Susanna - MD, PhD
Malkin, David - MD
Mamdani, Muhammad - DP
Marsden, Philip - MD
Martinu, Tereza - MD
Masellis, Mario - MSc, MD
Maunder, Robert - MD
Mazer, Cyril David - MD
McCart, Andrea - MSc, MD
McCrindle, Brian - MD
McDonald, Lynn - PhD
McIntyre, Roger - MD
Mertens, Luc - MD
Mikulis, David - BS, MD
Milosevic, Michael - MD
Mishra, Sharmistha - BSc, MD
Mital, Seema - MBBS
Moe, Gordon - MD
Montandon, Gaspard - MSc, PhD
Moody, Alan - BA, MA, MBBS
Morshead, Cindi - BS, PhD
Moulton, Carol-Anne - MSc, DrMed
Mucsi, Istvan - MD, PhD
Mueller, Daniel - MD
Muise, Aleixo - MD
Mulsant, Benoit - MD
Naglie, Gary - BSc, MDCM
Nagy, Andras - PhD
Nanthakumar, Kumaraswamy - MD
Narang, Indra - MBBS
Narod, Steven - BSc, MD
Nathan, Paul - BA, MSc, MD
Nauth, Aaron - BSc, MSc, MD
Nolan, Robert - PhD
Olivieri, Nancy - MD
Orser, Beverley - MD
Osborne, Lucy - PhD
Ouzounian, Maral - BSc, MDCM, PhD
Palmert, Mark - MD
Parekh, Rulan - MD
Pei, York - MD
Piguet, Vincent - BM, DrMed, PhD
Pollock, Bruce - BSc, MD, PhD
Qadura, Mohammad - BS, MD, PhD
Rajji, Tarek - MD
Rand, Margaret - BSc, PhD
Rao, Vivek - LMCC, MD, PhD
Ratjen, Felix - MD
Ravindran, Arun - PhD
Redelmeier, Donald - MS, MD
Reid, Aylin - MD
Reithmeier, Reinhart - BSc, PhD
Remington, Gary - MD, PhD
Richards, Robin - BA, MD
Rizvi, Sakina - BSc, MASc, PhD
Robinson, Lisa - MD
Rodin, Gary M - BSc, MD
Rosenblum, Norman - MD
Ross, Heather - BSc, MD
Rotstein, Ori - MSc, MD
Rourke, Sean - BSc, BA, PhD
Rubenfeld, Gordon - MSc, MD
Rutka, James - BSc, LMCC, MD, PhD
Sadavoy, Joel - MD
Salter, Michael - MD, PhD
Sandor, Paul - BASc, MD
Schachar, Russell James - MD
Schimmer, Aaron - MD, PhD
Scholey, James - MD
Schweizer, Tom - BA, MSc, DPhil
Seed, Mike - MBBS
Selby, Peter - MHSc, MBBS
Selzner, Markus - MD, PhD
Semple, John - BSc, MSc, MD
Serghides, Lena - BSc, PhD
Sherman, Philip - MD
Shoichet, Molly - PhD
Silverman, Melvin - BSc, MDCH
Siminovitch, Katherine - MD
Singer, Lianne - MD
Sockalingam, Sanjeev - MD
Stevens, Bonnie - BSc, MSN, PhD
Strafella, Antonio - MD, PhD
Strauss, Bradley - MD
Strauss, John - MD
Sun, Hong-Shuo - MSc, DrMed, DPhil
Swallow, Carol - BA, MD, PhD
Swartz, Richard - BSc, MD, PhD
Sweezey, Neil - BSc, MD, MD
Szaszi, Katalin - MD, PhD
Tabori, Uri - MBBS
Tandon, Anurag - BSc, PhD
Tarlo, Susan - MBBS
Tartaglia, Carmela - BA, BSc, MDCM
Tator, Charles - MA, MD, PhD
Thaut, Michael - PhD
Thorsteinsdottir, Halla - PhD
Trope, Graham - DOMS, LMCC, MD
Tymianski, Michael - BA, MD, PhD
Urbach, David - MSc, MD
Urowitz, Murray - MD
Valiante, Taufik - BSc, MD, PhD
Van Der Kooy, Derek - BSc, MA, PhD
van Klei, Wilhelmus - MSc, MD
Vasdev, Neil - PhD
Venkateswaran, Vasundara - BSc, MPH, MSc, PhD
Vincent, Ajoy - MD, MBBS
Vincent, John - PhD (Graduate Coordinator)
Voineskos, Aristotle - MD, PhD
Vorstman, Jacob - MD, PhD
Waddell, Thomas - MSc, LMCC, MD, PhD
Walsh, Catharine - MEd, MD
Warsh, Jerry - MD
Weksberg, Rosanna - MD, PhD
Whitehead, Cynthia - AB, MHSc, MD, PhD
Whyne, Cari - BSc, PhD
Widjaja, Elysa - MSc, MPH, MBBS
Windrim, Rory - MB
Wong, Agnes - DOMS, MD, PhD
Wong, Albert - MD, PhD
Woo, Minna - MD
Woolridge, Nicholas - BFA, MSc
Wright, Graham - BSc, MSc, PhD
Yang, Burton - BSc, MSc, PhD
Yang, Victor - BASc, MASc, MD, PhD
Yasufuku, Kazuhiro - DrMed, PhD
Yau, Terrence - BA, MSc, MDCM, MDCM
Yee, Albert - MSc, LMCC, MD
Yeung, Rae - DrMed, MD
Yucel, Yeni - MD
Yuen, Darren - BSc, MD, PhD
Zadeh, Gelareh - BSc, DrMed, BScMed, DPhil
Zhang, Liang - PhD
Zimmermann, Camilla - MSc, MD

Members Emeriti

Bombardier, Claire - MA, MD
Gorczynski, Reginald - BSc, BA, MA, MD, PhD
Krueger, Paul - BS, MHSc, MSc, PhD
Levy, Gary - BSc, MD
Seeman, Mary - BA, MDCH, MD
Snead III, Carter - BS, MD, MD
Toner, Brenda - BA, MA, PhD
Weisel, Richard - BA, MD
Wiley, Mike - BSc, MSc, PhD
Yeger, Herman - BSc, MScPhm, PhD

Associate Members

Abdullah, Nadine - BS, MD
Abi-Jaoude, Elia - BSc, MSc, MD
Abuelaish, Izzeldin - MPH, MBBS, MD
Ali, Asim - MD
Anastakis, Dimitrios - BSc, MEd, MD
Andreazza, Ana Cristina - BPhm, MSc, PhD, PhD
Andrews, Mahmutoglu - MD
Anthony, Samantha - PhD
Asztalos, Elizabeth - BScN
Balki, Mrinalini - MBBS
Ballios, Brian G. - MD, PhD
Baribeau, Danielle - BSc, MD, PhD
Barnett Tapia, Carolina - DrMed
Bernardini, Marcus - BSc, MSc, MD
Bhat, Mamatha - MMed, MD
Bhat, Venkat - MSc, MD
Bilbily, Alexander - DrMed
Bouchard, Maryse - MS, MDCM
Boulos, Mark - BSc, MD
Brull, Richard - BS, MD
Burhan, Amer - MSc, MBCHB
Burke, Matthew - BSc, MD
Carcao, Manuel - MD
Chaiton, Michael - DPhil
Chan, Steven - MD, PhD
Chavez, Sofia - BSc, MSc, PhD
Chepeha, Douglas - MD
Cheskes, Sheldon - BSc, DrMed
Cheung, Amy - BA, MSc, MD
Chintoh, Araba - MSc, MBBS, PhD
Chow, Edward - MBBS
Chung, Jennifer - BEng, MD, MC
Cil, Tulin - BSc, MEd, DrMed
Clarke, Hance - MSc, MD
Corrin, Michael - BFA, BA, BSc, MSc
Dash, Satya - MBBS, PhD
Desarkar, Pushpal - MD
Dryer, Marc - BA, MSc
Dunlop, Katharine - BSc
Emmenegger, Urban - MD
Farcas, Monica - BE, ME, MD
Fasano, Alfonso - MD, PhD
Felsky, Daniel - BSc, PhD
Ferguson, Sarah - BSc, MD
Fischer, Corinne - MD
Floh, Alejandro - MD
Forbes, Thomas - MD
Freeman, Sloan - MD
Friedberg, Mark - MD
Furlan, Julio - MSc, DrMed, PhD
Gallagher, Damien - MB, MD
Gandhi, Sonal - BSc, MSc, MD
Giacobbe, Peter - MD
Gill, Roopan - BSc, MPH, MD
Goldstein, David - BA, MD
Goligher, Ewan - DrMed, PhD
Gomez Jaramillo, David - MD, PhD
Gonska, Tanja - MD
Grasemann, Hartmut - MD
Green, Robin - PhD
Gupta, Abha - MD
Gupta, Sumit - MD
Harnett, Nicole - BSc
Hassan, Ahmed - MBBS
Hatch, Wendy - MASc
Hawco, Colin - BSc, MSc, PhD
Heyn, Chris - MD, PhD
Hiraki, Linda - MS, MD, ScD
Ho, Emily - BSc(OT), MEd, PhD, PhD
Hobson, Sebastian - MPH, BMedSc, MBBS, PhD
Hofer, Stefan - MD, PhD
Holden, Lori - BSc
Honjo, Osami - DrMed, PhD
Ieraci, Adriana - BE, MEng
Irish, Jonathan - MSc, MD
Ivers, Noah - MD
Jerzak, Katarzyna - MD
Jibb, Lindsay - PhD
Johnson, Sindhu - BMedSc, MD, PhD
Jung, James - BS, MD, PhD
Kahr, Walter - MD
Kalyvas, Aristotelis - MS, MD, PhD
Kamath, Binita - MBBS
Katzberg, Hans - BSc, MSc, MD
Kayssi, Ahmed - BS, BA, MS, MPH
Kertes, Peter - MD
Kidd, Sean - PhD
Kim, Dong Hwan (Dennis) - MD, PhD
Kim, Raymond - MD
Kloiber, Stefan - DrMed
Knight, Andrea - MD
Ko, Michael - BSc, DrMed, PhD
Kohut, Sara Helena Ahola - BA, MA, PhD
Korczak, Daphne - BS, MD
Kridel, Robert - MPH, DrMed, PhD
Kumar, Rajat - DrMed
Kuruvilla, John - MD
Kutryk, Michael - MD
Kuzyk, Paul - BSc, MD
Lange, Shannon - BSc, MPH
Laprade, Judi - BSc(PT), BPHE, MS
Lau, Jenny - BSc, MD
Lawler, Patrick - MPH, DrMed
Le, Trung - MD
Lebel, David - MS, MD, PhD
Lheureux, Stephanie - MSc, MSc, MD, PhD
Librach, Clifford - MD
Lin, Hsiang-Yuan - MD
Lin, Vincent - MD
Lincoln, Matthew - MD, PhD
Lo, Christopher - MA, PhD
Magalhaes, Marco - MSc, BDS, PhD
Mah, Linda - MHSc, MD
Mailis-Gagnon, Angela - MSc, MD
Malinowski, Ann - BScN, MSc, MD
Mandell, Daniel - BSc, MD, PhD
Mansur, Rodrigo - MD, PhD
Maralani, Pejman Jabehdar - MD
Matsuura, Naomi - ME, PhD
Maxwell, Cynthia - AB, MD
Mazierski, David - BSc, MSc
Melamed, Nir - MSc, MD
Mendes Pereira, Vitor - MSc, MD
Menon, Mahesh - PhD
Moraes, Theo - MD
Muthusami, Prakash - MBBS, MD
Naeem, Farooq - MSc, MBBS, PhD
Nestor, Sean - MSc, MD
Neufeld, Nicholas - BSc, MSc, MD
Ng, Derek - BSc, MSc, PhD
Nikolova, Yuliya - BA, PhD
Nowrouzi-Kia, Behdin - BSc, MSc
Oh, Jiwon - BSc, MD, PhD
Oliveira, Vanessa - BSc, MSc, PhD
Orkin, Julia - MD
Parotto, Matteo - MD, PhD
Pasternak, Jesse - BS, MPH, MD
Patel, Keyur - MD, PhD
Perkins, Bruce - MPH, MD
Popovic, Milos - DipIng, PhD
Pratap, Abhishek - MSc
Propst, Evan - BA, MSc, MD
Quereshy, Fayez - BSc, MBA, MD
Rabin, Jenny - PhD
Ramaswamy, Vijay - MD
Reich, Heather - MDCM, PhD
Retnakaran, Ravi - MSc, MD
Riazi, Sheila - MSc, MD
Ricciuto, Amanda - MDCM
Rogalla, Patrik - MD
Rosenblat, Joshua - BSc, MD
Rozenberg, Dmitry - MD, MedScD
Rueda, Sergio - MSc, AM, PhD
Schaffer, Ayal - MD
Schneider, Raphael - MD, PhD
Schuh, Suzanne - MD
Selzner-Malekkiani, Nazia - MSc, PhD
Shafiee Nyestanak, Mohammad - MD
Shaikh, Furqan - MD
Sholzberg, Michelle - BSc, DrMed
Shore, Eliane - BA, MD
Shulman, Rayzel - MD
Silversides, Candice - MSc, MD
Singnurkar, Amit - MPH, MDCM
Spence, Erik - PhD
Spithoff, Sheryl - BSc, MD
Stergiopoulos, Vicky - MD
Strug, Lisa - BS, BA, SM, PhD
Tam, Emily - MD
Tang, Victor - BSc, MSc, MD
Thavendiranathan, Paaladinesh - BSc, MSc, MD
Tobe, Sheldon - BSc, MD
Trudeau, Maureen - BSc, MA, MD
Tyrrell, Pascal - BSc, MSc, PhD
Van Mieghem, Tim - MD
Vanderlaan, Rachel - BS, MD, PhD, FRSC
Verma, Atul - BSc, MD, BScMed
Wall, Shelley - BA, MA, MSc, PhD
Wasserman, Jonathan - MD
Weisz, Dany - MD
Wentlandt, Kirsten - BSc, MHSA, MD, PhD
Witterick, Ian - DrMed
Wong, Jean - MD
Wu, Robert - MSc, MD
Yeung, Jonathan - BS, MD, PhD
Yunusova, Yana - MS, MA, PhD
Zaheer, Juveria - AB, MSc, DrMed
Zai, Clement - BSc, MSc, PhD
Zani, Augusto - MD, PhD
Zinman, Lorne - MSc, MD
Zwingerman, Rhonda - BSc, MSc, MD

Medical Science: Biomedical Communications MScBMC Courses

Consult the department each session regarding course offerings.

Required Courses

Course CodeCourse Title
Human Anatomy
Visual Representation of Medical Knowledge
Sequential Medical Communication
Biomedical Communications Technologies
Research Methods
Ethics and Professionalism in Biomedical Communications
Neuroanatomy for Visual Communication
Visual Representation of Processes in Human Pathology
MSC2020HVisual Representation of Biomolecular Structure and Function
MSC2023HInformation Visualization (prerequisite: MSC1001Y; exclusion: MSC2019H)
MSC2025YMaster's Research Project for BMC

+ Extended course. For academic reasons, coursework is extended into session following academic session in which course is offered.

Elective Courses

Students are encouraged to take at least one of their electives in a graduate program other than Biomedical Communications.

Course CodeCourse Title
Advanced Media Design Technologies
Visual Synthesis of Medical/Scientific Process
Community-Centred Design Research
Special Topics in Biomedical Communications
MSC2013YMaster's Research Project and Paper
MSC2014HFundamentals of Scripting for Health Science Communication
Interpretive Visualization: Cinematic Design and Preproduction
Visualization Technology
MSC2022HGraphic Medicine Seminar

Medical Science: Medical Science MSc, PhD Courses

Not all courses are offered each year. Check the departmental website for course availability.

Course CodeCourse Title
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Challenges
Developmental Cardiovascular Physiology
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Molecular Biology and Heart Signal Transduction
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Hormones and the Cardiovascular System
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Heart Function
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Vascular
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Systems Biology
Topics in Developmental Biology (MSc)
Developmental Biology (PhD)
Student Seminars in Developmental Biology (PhD)
Interdisciplinary Toxicology
Graduate Seminar in Toxicology
Current Topics in Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology
Molecular and Biochemical Basis of Toxicology
Fundamentals of Neuroscience — Cellular and Molecular
Fundamentals of Neuroscience — Systems and Behaviour
Behavioural Pharmacology
Proteomics and Functional Genomics
Applied Bioinformatics
Human Anatomy
MSC1004HHealth and Pharmaceuticals (exclusion: HST440H1)
Advanced Human Embryology and Teratology (exclusion: ANA301H1 Human Embryology)
MSc Student Seminars in Translational Research (Credit/No Credit)
PhD Student Seminars in Translational Research (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1030HLearning from Data — Introduction to Study Design and Statistical Analysis Methods
Physiologic Basis of Disease
Studies in Schizophrenia
Molecular Approaches to Mental Health and Addictions
Neuroimaging Methods Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Biopsychosocial Basis of Mental Health and Addictive Disorders
Introduction to Computational Biostatistics with R
MSC1100H (0.25 FCE)Success in Graduate School: a Professional Development Module for MSc Students
MSC1101H (0.25 FCE)Success After Graduate School: a Professional Development Module for PhD Students
MSC1102H (0.25 FCE)Psychiatric Implications of Traumatic Brain Injury (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1103H (0.25 FCE)Knowledge Translation (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1104H (0.25 FCE)Neurodegenerative Disease (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1105H (0.25 FCE)Clinical Trials (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1106H (0.25 FCE)GREAT Network Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Surveillance Practicum
MSC1107H (0.25 FCE)Biostatistics in a Nut Shell (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1108H (0.25 FCE)Animal Models of Human Diseases
MSC1109H (0.25 FCE)Introduction to Neuroimaging (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1110H0 (0.25 FCE)Strategic Training in Transdisciplinary Radiation Science for 21st Century (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1111H (0.25 FCE)Strategies for Systematic, Scoping, or Other Comprehensive Searches of Literature (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1113H (0.25 FCE)Radiomics and Machine Learning for Medical Imaging
MSC1114H (0.25 FCE)Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Credit/No Credit)
MSC1115H (0.25 FCE)Digital Image Analysis for Cellular Microscopy
MSC1116H (0.25 FCE)Individualized Reading/Research Course
MSC1117H (0.25 FCE)Light Microscopy Basics for Life Sciences
MSC1118H (0.25 FCE)Natural Language Processing for Medicine
MSC1119H (0.25 FCE)Epigenetics Applications in Human Health and Disease
MSC1120H (0.25 FCE)Gene Expression Profiling with Real Time PCR
MSC1121H (0.25 FCE)Clinical Research Skills (Credit/No Credit)
Biomedical Communications Technologies
Molecular Medicine in Human Genetic Disease
Visual Representation of Biomolecular Structure and Function (prerequisites: MSC1001Y, MSC2001H, MSC2003Y)
Foundations in Musculoskeletal Science
Foundations in Resuscitation Science Research
Individualized Reading/Research Course
Regenerative Medicine

+ Extended course. For academic reasons, coursework is extended into session following academic session in which course is offered.

0 Course that may continue over a program. Credit is given when the course is completed.

Medical Science: Health Research GDipHR Courses

Core Courses

Course Code Course Title
Supervised Research Project (Credit/No Credit)
Research Skills for the Physician-Scientist (Credit/No Credit)

0 Course that may continue over a program. Credit is given when the course is completed.

Approved Elective Courses by Graduate Unit

Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Dalla Lana School of Public Health)

Course Code Course Title
Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research
Applied Health Econometrics I
Introduction to Health Services and Systems Research Theory and Methods
Independent Reading for Health Informatics

Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology (Temerty Faculty of Medicine)

Course Code Course Title
Cellular Imaging in Pathobiology
Tissue Injury, Repair, and Regeneration
Inflammation, Immunity, and Immunopathology of Atherosclerosis
The Role of Genomics in the Era of Personalized Medicine
Next Generation Genomics in Clinical Medicine
Mass Spectrometry, Proteomics, and Their Clinical Applications
Molecular Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Neurodegenerative Disease — Mechanisms, Models, and Methods
LMP1504H Cell and Molecular Biology of Cardiovascular Diseases
LMP1510H Molecular Biology Techniques

Medical Science (Temerty Faculty of Medicine)

Course Code Course Title
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Molecular Biology and Heart Signal Transduction
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Hormones and the Cardiovascular System
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Heart Function
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences — Vascular
Studies in Schizophrenia
Neuroimaging Methods Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Biopsychosocial Basis of Mental Health and Addictive Disorders